
Paul: An Outline of His Theology is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paul is Herman Ridderbos’ monumental work on the theology of the Apostle Paul. Setting the stage of inquiry, Ridderbos begins with a short examination of the four successive schools of thought concerning the study of Paul’s writings: the Tübingen school, the liberal school, the history of religions approach, and the eschatological interpretations. Ridderbos then provides keen insight into the...

motif of his preaching is not different from that of the other apostles and of the primitive Christian church. But he unfolded it in a wealth of aspects and with a depth of ideas that is unequalled in the rest of the apostolic preaching preserved to us, and therefore has repeatedly opened new perspectives in the history of investigation and for the faith of the Christian church. It follows directly from what has just been said that this
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